Long long ago…in the year 2002 to be exact…I watched a movie about a little girl, who lived in a well…and possibly in a videotape…sounds ludicrous? It sure does now but when I first watched it, The Ring freaked me out. (I swore that I will never watch Ringu so don’t even bother). I still haven’t figured out why it freaked me out so much because usually I crack up when I watch horror movies (exorcist included). But there was something about Samara…and her weird creepy crawl.
I was living alone then…so that didn’t help a bit. I spend that weekend being jumpy every time the phone rang. Then there was the fear that Samara might crawl out of my TV (I know, hysterical!). The bravest thing was taking a shower ‘coz we all know that a woman in the shower is a standard cue for ghosts to make an appearance.
So it is no surprise that Samara is my all time favorite ghost. So here be my Samara inspired photo shoot…Njaay!
I was living alone then…so that didn’t help a bit. I spend that weekend being jumpy every time the phone rang. Then there was the fear that Samara might crawl out of my TV (I know, hysterical!). The bravest thing was taking a shower ‘coz we all know that a woman in the shower is a standard cue for ghosts to make an appearance.
So it is no surprise that Samara is my all time favorite ghost. So here be my Samara inspired photo shoot…Njaay!

hahaha ...seems that you saw it again yesterday...I mean part-2 on HBO
Unfortunately I don't get HBO :(
i will be so ever scared every time i meet you again. Kudos to 'A' for putting up...;)
Boo! Don't worry I am a friendly ghost. Kudos indeed! :)
Yes, The Ring is one of the few horror movies I could sit through (or rather couldn't). Most others are indeed more funny than horror. Ramsay brothers anyone?
Ramsey! Were hilarious...once (and I am not making this up) they had a guy/ghost stand out of the window with a plastic bag over his head!! As far as scary shit on TV goes, other than the news, I used to be creeped out by Kille ka rahasya...even the credit music freaked me out...makes me cringe even as I am reminded now!
My uncle screamed at me one time because I allowed my then 8-yr old cousin to watch Jaws with me one night.
Apparently he couldn't sleep all night after that and obviously didn't allow his parents and sister to sleep either.
The first time I remember being scared was when I saw Michael Jackson's Thriller video at my cousin's place. I was so creeped out I broke their TV a few weeks later.
Love the title of the post :) And BTW is your artwork self-portrait or snagged a model?
Yes, Ramsay ghosts are either funny or creepy (and I don't mean that as nice creepy)...
BTW, nice idea to give your photo to us in bits and pieces ;)
And since we are talking about ghosts and horror shows, do check out my post on Desidabba...
Ring-1 really rocked .. so did the first part of Gothika ..
Thing with horror flicks is .. as long as you cannot predict the reason why the Ghost is behaving the way it is .. it is scary ..
Thats the reason why prolly Ring-2 sucks .. Also .. it gets ridiculous as this Samara girl changes her basic principles of Ghostliness so many times! Kill - No Kill - Kill ..
Ahem .. is that you? .. and were you also a Happy blur somewhere? by any chance? Snoopy here ..
".. Yeh Kila hai sadiyon Puranaaaaah .. Bhool ke bhi is kile main mat jaanaaah .. mat jaanaaah "
Drunken master,
You actually attempted to smash the TV! I guess MJ does scare lil boys ;) About scaring little kids...my cousin (the baby sitter) and I created mass panic when we screened a movie called 'Bad taste' at home...those poor kids (10 year olds) are prolly scarred for life b'coz of that baby sitting session.
Thanks Patrix...it is a self-potrait...I miss all my models from the west coast :(
Desi dabba post was hilarious! Specially the jeans bad salwaar kameez good part...couldn't agree more.
The same for me...the bad make-up ugly gooey ghosts don't scare me at all and the plot is always interesting until they reveal the ghost. It is always downhill for me once the ghost makes it's appearance. Ghosts should not have motives just as porno should not have plots ;)
Bad tp! For haunting comments with KKR title track.
damn yes, by far the freakiest ghost. I spent so many sleepless nights cos of her. Recently saw "the messengers" and the ghosts in there were terrible too, but the movie had a silly ending...
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