Wednesday, January 14, 2009





Crystal Blur said...

Wow! It really has been long...I even forgot to enable comments :)

Vedang said...

a year and a half... welcome back. we missed you. (which is weird to say, coz i took up blog reading _after_ you stopped writing!)

N said...

Does this mean you're getting back to writing?! Yay!

nryn said...

Long time no see!!!

Shekhar said...

Hark !! Did I hear something ??!!



Joy Forever said...

Welcome back! Let's hope we will see more posts in 2009 than we saw in 2008.
Wait... That goal is already achieved! More than 2007 then.

SRISHA said...

Oh, so relieved to see you back. Welcome!

amitks said...

Please complete mahabharat series:)

Sid said...

Well Hello, there a Crystal Blur entry on my feed reader. Nice to see at least the test post, shows some promise for future posts.

Lucid Illusions said...

was it a non-blogging year? the gap year :o)

d_grail said...

wow..after 2 years, just as i was about to remove you from my blogroll!
Welcome back!

Nidhesh Pandey said...

Hi Crstal! Welcome Back.
Meanwhile, i went through your Mahabharata and really liked it.
Wondering if you would continue on that... I must say, that even the unfinished thing is still a masterpiece,,