Saturday, January 21, 2006


Totoro, Mei and Satsuki

I am currently fascinated by Hayao Miyazaki's movies. Here is a short and sweet introduction to one of his movies.

Movie title: Tonari no Totoro (1988) or My neighbor Totoro

Rated: A for adorable animated adventure

Story: Adventures of two sisters, Mei and Satsuki with the a playful forest spirit called Totoro who rides in a Catbus. I was captivated by the imagination and animation of the movie.


{Will blog about Mimi wo sumaseba (Whisper of the heart) when I find some time. Miyazaki wrote the screenplay for this movie.}


Nishit said...

Undoubdetdly Miyazaki is one of the man who bring life to Animes. You don't feel them to be just usual cartoons, you relate to them emotionally. Watch widely acclaimed "Sen to Chihiro no kamikakushi " (aka Spirited Away). Another masterpiece by Miyazaki. Also "Mononoke-hime" (Princess Mononoke) haven't watched it though, but people say it's good. Talking about the animes (not animations, but animes only), "Grave of the fireflies" is the best anime I've ever seen

samudrika said...

Have you seen 'Spirited Away'?
It also gives you the same "transported to another world" kind of feeling. It is by Hayao Miyazaki,too.

Sid said...

Hey I have'nt heard bout Mei and Satsuki but I am a big fan of Edward and Alphonso Elric and their adventures in Full Metal Alchemist. Japanese animation and stories are really awesome.

Krishna said...

thats a really lovely and touching movie...that was the one of the first japanese movie i saw and i was hooked on to them ever since..

nryn said...

Is it in English or atleast with subtitles?
Looks very cuddly and I love cartoons :-)
btw: Your posts are a riot...waiting for the CCSL posts to continue...
Keep the good work going

Rahul Tyagi said...

Oh isn't Miyazaki just a genius?? I LOVE "castle in the sky"!! and all the others too.... I think he tends to get repetitive though... all of them are about castles and flying machines and nature/man etc..

Not complaining though... as I see it, its too much of a great thing... and I'll take that anyday! :)

Crystal Blur said...

you are exactly right about how the characters relate to you emotionally. I will check out the movies you suggested..thanks.

What a beautiful name! I remember seeing a preview of spirited away and putting it on my 'will watch' list. With two recommendations here already I will definitely check it out soon. Thanks for the suggestion.

big s,
hmm..haven't really seen too many japanese animations myself. its a good thing I posted this i have a list of movies to rent.

I think every kid should be introduced to Totoro :) This movie sure is a great introduction to anime.

yes, I watched it with subtitles. I could tell that you like cartoons from your profile photo...what character is that? CCSL takes a lot of time to work on...will get it going soon.

Every artist has a certain style which marks their work. I have just about seen two movies by Miyazaki which were very different in subject matter. Right now I can't wait to explore anime.

-Crys :)

nryn said...

Oh the pic is of a dark elf. Fantasy!
I think it is from a Warcraft fan site.
Take your on time on CCSL...Its just that I read all of it one go...

Ashwin said...

Am one amongst thousand readers who check out ur blog on a usual basis. Never posted a comment..coz i think ur way above them..n i'll fall short of words..u got a sharp pungent wit..n i luv dat..keep up d brilliant work..
But to be very true..i didnt understand the recent post of urs..someday i ll get upgraded (i guess)..
Just commented this time coz..i know..'Plagiarism karne wale tera mooh kaala'..n i too seriously believe in it..
In a recent post of mine i just used some of ur words..thght wud just report it 2 u..
and i have quoted it this way..
To quote Crystal Blur-"ARE THOSE REAL"
Hope u dont read dat post of mine...m a new fish in this ocean of bloggin..not dat gr8 @ writing..but some day ll grow up..i guess!!

bharath said...

get your hands on "spirited away". you will be delighted. :)

kmqhe (the word verifier)

Rahul Tyagi said...

oh I didn't want to sound as if I didn't like his movies. as I said before, I absolutely adore them.. Have been a big fan of Miyazaki for some time now..

as for recommendations, "spirited away" and "princess mononoke" are closer to epic animation (something like animated ramayana...). "Castle in the Sky" is more entertaining.. its probably meant for a younger audience than the others...

flaashgordon said...

Let the japs make their cartoons ;-)) ma'am but where's ur CCSL Mahabharata? Been waiting too too long!plzz...


Tachyoson said...

ahh anime... sadly im not of the "Sailor Moon" fanclub ... i do like "Ghost in the Shell" ... and of the CnC(cute n cuddly) variety i like PIKACHU :P (i know thats rather shallow and mainstreamy, but i prefer that over Captain Tsubasa)

HutumpaNcha said...

Chapter 7???

Anonymous said...

Spirited away is talked in very high regard when it comes to Anime.
And undoubtedly its a very good movie.

I would recommend Akira...
It was made in 1985 and is a grapic look of a
dystopian post apocalyptic world which was very much the flavor of the 80s and the 90s..only difference is ..this was a anime movie..and a pathbreaker !!
Definitely worth a dekko..!

R for rabid

Kartik Shankar said...

Hmmph Jap and CHin stuff.

Heard the number Kimi o Nosete?
- from the cartoon Laputa?
or the piano song by joe hisahishi?

I know I am commenting on arbit stuff, but thats what moi is all about :)

Nice blog buddy.
