For all those who want to pass exams without studying I might have something for you. I took the W.O.M.B.A.T. grade 2 on Jo’s website and I marked option B for every question start to finish. Jo has already said in the Rumor section on her website that everybody does NOT pass the W.O.M.B.A.T. I can proudly say that I got ‘acceptable’ on the exam.

So for those of you who maybe in a crunch on multiple choice exams take my advice. Take a pick and stick to it for all the questions. You might increase your chances of passing.

So for those of you who maybe in a crunch on multiple choice exams take my advice. Take a pick and stick to it for all the questions. You might increase your chances of passing.
I got "Exceeds Expectations" :)
Congrats btw...
Show off :p
He He, I don wanna send across mine... Guess it would read "Failed Miserably" ;-)
I think, I am over-qualified to be taking such "tests". It'll be detiorating to my much proclaimed image as a wizard, if I had to go though sissy stuff like this! :P
As far as I know, wOMbat is more of a "therapy lingo" :PP
W.O.M.B.A.T [Whacko On Marijuana Based Ailment Treatment].
Of course, we are all show-offs deep down ;)
And I think I am entitled to show off when I was expecting something like "Troll".
@Cruel: You got "Troll"?
They actually call you a troll if you fail? Thats hilarious!
The fail grades for O.W.L.s (on which grading system on WOMBATs is apparently based) are: Poor(P), Dreadful(D) and Troll(T).
no crys.. it so didn't work 4 me 4 CAT :p
Well, Those who know what I got, know what I got. He He....
So, I got a Troll eh.... Looks like I gotta Improve.
@Cruel: You got "Troll"? (Making my best Hermione impression here) :0
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